what’s collecting dust? - a mindful musing

Happy hump day to your beautiful bad ass self –

Today I’m coming in hot with a yogi confession: I don’t practice chaturanga.


(If you’re not familiar with chaturanga, no biggie — the particulars aren’t super relevant. All that’s important is that it’s a yoga asana, and I generally avoid it.)

A long time ago I found it really hard (every. single. time.) because I didn’t have the core strength, and I always ended up with terrible neck and shoulder tension afterward. So I did what I thought was the best thing — I just stopped attempting it.

In my mind at the time, it was a total act of self care. Continuing to try to practice it in the manner that I was could have caused me injury, and it was a drag on my yoga practice. I found it discouraging and awful, so not doing it helped me avoid adding on to the tension in my body and kept me showing up on my mat. Very logical.

That was many (MANY) years ago – a different version of me.

Since then my knowledge has expanded, I know a good bit about why I was experiencing tension, and I know some things to help myself grow that posture. But I still haven’t chosen to invest time and energy in it, and I let its existence shrivel up in my mind.

The other day though, out of nowhere, into my brain it popped and I did it. And I blew myself away. It felt wild. It wasn’t perfect or anything, but it was a pretty powerful feeling.

It got me thinking about how many things I’ve written off or mentally put in a time out to eternally collect dust because they were hard. There are a lot — enough to make me cringe just thinking about it.

And I’m wondering if it might be a good time to explore some of the things that show up unexpectedly — I’m older, wiser, more amazing — who knows how I’ll experience those things now? I’m betting I’ll find some hidden surprises.

So maybe I’ll give some of them a more intentional whirl — which sounds like it could bring some good fun

Is there anything you’ve sent off to a mental corner because it wasn’t for you right that moment? Anything that’s asking to come back out and play?

I’m super down to hear what’s rattling loose in your noggin. Sharing is caring 🫶 – shoot me a reply.

May the rest of your week shower you with delightful offerings

With good energy 💚

photo credit: Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash


the dark side of complexity - a mindful musing


why is allowing so hard? 🙄 - a mindful musing