why is allowing so hard? šŸ™„ - a mindful musing

Happy good day, dear friend

I hope this week is finding you well in health and spirit šŸ’š

Today I found myself wondering why allowing is so hard. It seems like itā€™s so much effort for such a passive-sounding thing. And I know Iā€™ve written about that recently, and yet here I am again. The phases of life are indeed cyclical by nature.

Yesterday I spent much of my therapy session giving myself a pep talk about how what Iā€™m feeling right now is just temporary. Itā€™s a normal thing that I experience during my luteal phase, and thereā€™s always an end to it, and always it comes round again (such is the nature of cycles).

If you have a menstruating body, you may share this experience. Hell. Whatever body you have, Iā€™m sure you know these experiences: your body feeling strange or in discomfort, or your brain shifting too easily into negative narratives, or just a general feeling of unease in life with a tendency towards easy irritation. Theyā€™re all very human experiences.


This phase and all that it brings feel like much right now for me, and Iā€™m trying really hard to just allow it without pushing. But allowing can feel like giving up, counter-productive, lazy, shameful, even weak. And I know in my brain that these are not the case at all. That what I experience at this part of my cycle is nature speaking through my body ā€” telling me to slow down and take my time and rest and find nurturing ways to be because my body is a work of fucking art.

But sometimes itā€™s hard to feel good about that except in the abstract.

It seems like allowing shouldnā€™t be so much work. Like it should be a default mode. And perhaps it was once upon a time. I like to fantasize that way, at least. And I like to daydream that it will be a common reality in future upon a time.

But what about the NOW? When it feels sooooo hard?

I peeked back at what I shared in the Worm Moon Lunar Love Letter earlier this year:

ā€œTo allow something is just seeing what happens. To not exert force over it. To give it space to spread out and do what itā€™s going to do.ā€

And, in a desperately motivated search for some sort of step by step instructions šŸ«£, I googled the definition:

  1. ā€œgive (someone) permission to do somethingā€

  2. ā€œgive the necessary time or opportunity forā€

  3. ā€œadmit the truth of; concedeā€

That last one evokes the audible OOF.

The connotation that comes with ā€˜concedeā€™ is a doozy, am I right? Setting aside some complexities, I think this is about clear vision or understanding. What is the simple truth?

I feel like this right now. This feeling will end. This cycle will repeat.

And thatā€™s as neutral as I can make it for now.

And ā€” hold your horses! ā€” what if I give these feelings permission to be here right now and to go when itā€™s their time? What if I just say that to myself?

Seems I have something new to experiment with, and Iā€™d be very interested to hear what you think and if you have any hot tips/tricks. Shoot me a reply here or a message on the social medias.

āœØ For now, may our hearts stay tender regardless of cyclical fluctuations āœØ

With good energy šŸ’š

photo credit: Emanuel Ekstrƶm on Unsplash


whatā€™s collecting dust? - a mindful musing


6.5 minutes ā±ļø - a mindful musing