Brianne Howard Brianne Howard

Lunar Love Letter πŸŒ’ - Mar 21 2023

We’re starting a new lunar cycle that will lead us to the Pink Moon*, the first full moon of the season. This is also when we start (or continue) to see some of the first flowers 🌼 raise their gallant pre-bloom buds towards the sky. Where I am, these are usually crocus flowers, and spotting them is one of my great joys in life right now.

I call them gallant because they are the seasonal pioneers of the botanical world around here. I see their purple and white budding petals pixelate street sides and tree root coves, and I know they are the brave ones 🀺 – the ones that pop out when there will still be winter conditions to contend with.

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Brianne Howard Brianne Howard

Self Love, Actually

Loving yourself is a practice. Like so many things, we have to show up for it and try at it and fail at it and celebrate the tiniest of successes along the way. Some days are easier. Some days it’s all we can do to not loathe ourselves into oblivion. And some days it all comes together. Even if just for an hour.

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