celebrate this. 9/10/23

Happy good evening to your mystical presence 💜

I’m running a bit behind today (big surprise 🙄) but I’m showing up!

First — let’s pulse check. How have your body and mind experienced this past week? What are they preoccupied with going into this week? Have you danced recently? If not, maybe you’re due 👯

If dancing doesn’t sound like a banger, do something else that you love that moves your body. I promise you won’t be disappointed. Give it at least 60 precious seconds or carry on until your body says stop. Not your brain (because it will speak up before you get on your feet), but your lovely, bodacious body. Have fun 🎉

This week I want to celebrate a gift I gave myself during my journaling this morning: a letter 💌

I legit wrote myself a letter out of nowhere. I didn’t plan it. I just did my morning card pull, per usual, and was jotting down some notes and messages about it and bam 💥, out it poured from my pen tip.

The letter is loving and honest. And the main themes? How much more difficult my own resistance is making things and what it’s about time I recognized more fully. And I can’t really argue with myself. I’m right 😉

And I love that I had the audacity to say these things to myself.

I also can’t think of a better way to celebrate what this did for me than to share the actual letter with you. Which makes me nervous, but also incredibly joyful.

Let’s get real…as it appears in my journal:


Brianne —

You are making some things way harder than they are or have to be. You are so strong, and when you channel that strength in resistance, you are holding yourself back. You are a traumatized human. You want security, protection, healing, and love. You do not gain these things only through control. You gain them by opening — by allowing, by experimenting, by observing (not with a cautious eye, but a curious one). You have many skills, and flowing is not an advanced one for you. This is a time to polish it. Cut those facets to enhance the power. Shine it up. You have been magic your whole life — not just in wishful thinking or escapism, but in practice and spirit. See yourself as you are — exert as much effort in that as you do in seeing others with a lens of compassion. You are here. You are magic. You are beautiful. You are smart and whimsical. Curious and silly. Sexy and luscious. Kind and exuberant. Magic drips from you when you don’t even notice. It’s infused in all you touch and do. See it. Use that eye of yours. Be the witness with clarity of vision. Believe. ← You’ve been giving yourself this message your whole life. Believe. Forty-one years is long enough to not hear. Listen. See. Adopt. Fuse. There is freedom in acceptance.


Pretty dope, right?

It made me feel incredible. And I hope it sparks a little something in each of us ✨

I think we all deserve to be a significant love in our own lives. We’re taught to not be or to have some perverse sense of ego that we try to pass off as self-love, but we know better. I know we know better 🫶

And now (of course) your turn! What’s got you hyped up this week and flying high on the joy vibes? Nothing is too big or small.

Share with a comment or reply back. I can’t wait to hear 👂

🪄 May this week fall into place exactly as is best for what we need

photo credit: Jon Tyson on Unsplash


Lunar Love Letter 🌒 - September 14, 2023 — Harvest Moon*


celebrate this. 9/3/23