Lunar Love Letter 🌒 - Mar 21 2023

estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Journal Prompts:
New Moon
1Q Moon
Full Moon
3Q Moon

Important dates this cycle (in EST): 

Lunar Cycle Duration: 3/21-4/19
New Moon: 3/21
First Quarter Moon: 3/28
Full Moon: 4/6 Pink Moon
Last Quarter Moon: 4/13

Happy good tidings to your beautiful heart and soul 💜, and...



We’re starting a new lunar cycle that will lead us to the Pink Moon*, the first full moon of the season. This is also when we start (or continue) to see some of the first flowers 🌼 raise their gallant pre-bloom buds towards the sky. Where I am, these are usually crocus flowers, and spotting them is one of my great joys in life right now.

I call them gallant because they are the seasonal pioneers of the botanical world around here. I see their purple and white budding petals pixelate street sides and tree root coves, and I know they are the brave ones  – the ones that pop out when there will still be winter conditions to contend with. 

These tiny delicate flowers. 

Always to my surprise, many make it, and I cheer them on with my heart. It feels like a win to witness something that looks so outwardly fragile reveal its inner ferocity by sustaining and continuing to thrive through the harshest environment it will ever experience.

They endure.

They are resilient by their very nature. 

And so are we

But that’s hard to remember sometimes. 

I’ve been feeling very fragile and finding it hard to remember that it’s just one facet 💎 of existing. And that it’s universal. We are fragile. We’re also resilient. We are so many things all at once.

We contain multitudes. 

I invite you to keep that at the forefront of your noggin and heart throughout this lunar cycle.

Write yourself a post-it. Create a calendar reminder to pop up every other day. Do anything you need to remind yourself. Because if you’re like me, you’ll lose sight of it from time to time.

Growing is incredibly hard work, and there are many distractions and adversities along the way. Externally and internally.

But the crocus – it trucks on despite the cold and winds and frost. It perseveres and keeps rising toward the sun ☀️

It embodies its multitudes.

I’m dedicating this lunar cycle to getting more intimately familiar with my own multitudes, and I invite you to join me. Let’s acquaint or re-acquaint ourselves with us.

Because we’re awesome 😊

Below are some journal prompts 📓 to inspire you along this journey during the different moon phases: 

🌑 New Moon: 3/21 

This is a good time to get curious about any comforts you might be craving. 

  • What would best support your rejuvenation of spirit? 

  • What about those specific things do you find supportive? 

  • How do you best receive permission from yourself to allow support? 

🌒 First Quarter Moon: 3/28

You might be feeling more adventurous and curious as the lunar cycle progresses. 

  • What are you feeling drawn to explore about yourself? 

  • Is anything holding you back? 

  • Are there any ways that you are holding yourself back from connecting with yourself on a deeper level?

  • What would be true if those things weren’t there? 

🌕 Full Moon: 4/6 Pink Moon*

This is a great time to revel in your own sense of wholeness.

  • What might it mean to experience the whole of your being right now? 

  • What do you notice might be different day to day?

  • What is different as you shift from role to role? 

Take your time with this one and explore it from a few different angles. There is no right answer. Stay curious.

🌘 Last Quarter Moon: 4/13

As this cycle winds down, it’s a good time to reflect and see what’s in alignment so you can continue to connect with yourself. 

  • How does what you’ve been exploring fill up your cup? 

  • Where do you see more need to nurture yourself? 

  • Are there any places you’ve been investing your energy that don’t resonate right now? 

  • What changes seem exciting?

I encourage you to visit these multiple times, so keep this email handy. Notice what questions pique your interest and which ones you might avoid – that’s valuable info 🧐. 

I’ll be working through these myself, and I’m curious how it will go for you. Shoot me a message and let me know 💌

*The moon names and phase details given here are as given on the Farmers' Almanac website. There are many other moon names and stories from other cultures that are not included here, but I encourage you to do your own research. It’s fascinating!

All resources mentioned in this newsletter are included for research purposes only and are not affiliated with Zenful Mindings LLC. 


Lunar Love Letter 🌒 - Apr 20 2023


Lunar Love Letter 🌒 - Mar 14 2023