Lunar Love Letter 🌒 - July 17, 2023

Estimated reading time: 4 minutes

Important dates this cycle (in EST): 

Lunar Cycle Duration: 7/17-8/15
New Moon: 7/17 ← we are here
First Quarter Moon: 7/25
Full Moon: 8/1 Sturgeon Moon*
Last Quarter Moon: 8/8

Happy good day to your beautiful heart 💜

How has life been for you during this last lunar cycle? What things did you explore to discover what it feels like to thrive?

My hope is that something, no matter how seemingly small, clicked. Because I think that’s what it’s all about — small things adding up. 

All of them filling in the nooks and crannies — rounding out life into this voluptuous figure dripping with abundance and creativity and fluidity of expression.

That’s sexy AF.

And that’s what I feel called to focus on this lunar cycle. 

This is a season where we start to reap rewards from seeds we’ve sown — to experience the sensation of budding abundance. And this can feel really uncomfortable for many of us. 

If you’re like me, you hear or read a lot of talk about abundance that you don’t quite connect with. Something is lacking for me. I want to want it as passionately as I perceive others do, yet there's something amiss

It’s pretty deeply embedded and I have a lot of personal journey work to do with it, and I think it has to do with the definition of abundance I’m holding onto — it feels off somehow. 

What does abundance mean?

I just don’t fucking know. 

That’s it.

I don’t know what abundance means for me or to me. I know what other people think it means. But none of those definitions feels quite right. 

And this is a great place for me to be. Because I can work with this more deeply during the lunar cycle — to fill in some of those nooks and crannies (have I mentioned how much I love english muffins?).

What about you? What’s your relationship with abundance? And are you willing to dive into this discovery journey with me?

Here are some journal prompts to get us sparked up and going:

  • What does abundance mean to you?

  • What is your current mindset or relationship with it? Get real honest here. No one’s judging.

  • In what ways do you already see abundance in your life? Let’s get really specific. 

  • How does observing those pockets of abundance feel in your heart? Your mind? Your spirit?

  • In what areas of your life would you like to call more abundance into? Why?

  • Brainstorm some ways that you can do this, or journal out some ways you’re already working on. What’s that journey like?

For me, it’s best to let some of these simmer and explore them a few times as the lunar cycle marches on so I can see what comes up at different times. One sitting never says it all for me.

And I’m extra interested to see how this goes for you. If you’re up for sharing, I would LOVE to hear your realizations or other questions that come up. Let’s inspire each other 👯. Send me an email or drop a line on social media.

🪄 May your upcoming days be fueled by vibrant curiosity, and may this lunar cycle offer you the magic that you truly need ✨

*The moon names and phase details given here are as given on the Farmers' Almanac website. There are many other moon names and stories from other cultures that are not included here, but I encourage you to do your own research. It’s fascinating!

All resources mentioned in this newsletter are included for research purposes only and are not affiliated with Zenful Mindings LLC. 


celebrate this. 7/23/23


celebrate this. 7/16/23