celebrate this. 7/16/23

Hello, beautiful 💜

What’s your vibe today? Is it meshing well with what’s going on around you?

Maybe. Maybe not. 

Either one is cool. Let’s just notice. 

And take a breath.

Tonight I want to celebrate diving in rather than bypassing when shit hit the fan.

I was in a car accident a few days ago — not huge and no one was hurt — and I felt really shaken up. My car was hit twice, and I was shocked. I didn’t even realize what happened at first.

After all the shit was over that goes with the whole accident scene hullabaloo, I had all the kind thoughts and sent gratitude out to the universe. Thank you that I wasn’t hurt. Thank you that my daughter wasn’t in the car. Thank you that my car wasn’t heavily damaged. Thank you to my car for providing me protection. Thank you to all there is for not being worse. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

And these are amazing and beautiful things to think and to feel. 

Except I also felt angry, scared, and caught completely off guard. This person hit my car TWICE, and then took off. Someone did that. 

Someone. Did. That. 

And now I had all these big fucking feelings about it.

Insert celebration 🎊

Instead of emotionally bypassing the gross emotions — the anger, the fear, the hurt, the overwhelm, the everything — I took time to feel it, and I’m still doing it when it comes up.

And I’m celebrating that. Because it’s hard as fuck. Especially when you’ve been taught differently most of your life. 

So cheers to emotional intelligence and honoring what I need so I could move big things through my body rather than storing them. Maybe next time will be that much easier 🤞

Now how about you? What is your soulful self celebrating this week? What’s your win? Share with me in an email or on the social media 💌

🪄 May your upcoming week be so bright you need sunglasses at night ✨😎

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Lunar Love Letter 🌒 - July 17, 2023


celebrate this. 7/9/23