celebrate this. 7/9/23

Hello to your lovely spirit 💜

How has this last week been for you?

Now that I’m sitting down to write this, I realize it’s been a blur 🌪️ for me. I remember feeling very stressed at some points, but I think I’m too tired to really remember details of those moments.

What I do remember the most clearly are some amazing moments of joy I experienced, and I think that says a lot.

My favorite joy from this week was taking my daughter to some sprinklers in our local park on a hot afternoon 🌊

It was a day that I mostly work from home, and it can be preeetttty boring 💤 for her, so I put this activity on our schedule to be sure we had some special time together.

I purposely wanted to do something different, and I was also pressed for time. This was something close and totally awesome for the weather we’ve been having, so it fit perfectly

I expected that we would go there and she would run around in the water, and let off some steam and energy until her little heart was happy and her body tired. But she was nervous and didn’t want to go in by herself.

And so it happenedan invitation for me to play!

As I ran in those sprinklers with her, my heart pumped with joy and happiness in those ways we too often lose sight of as serious adults. The crispy shells of worrying what I looked like and checking off the to-dos of the day and staying on schedule crumbled and melted away in about two sprints across the splashpad.

Maximum awesome 💥

We screamed and laughed and got to play with some new kids, and when we were leaving, we were both so pumped for life. I could feel all the love radiating between our hearts because we got to share that connection time in play.

This boosted my motherhood mojo up over 10,000% 🕹️ and fed my spirit.

I hope this inspires you to think about how you can find some ways to play more in your own life, and to think about what lifted your heart over this past week. I’d love to hear about BOTH!

Send me an email, use the contact form , or drop a message on the social medias, and let’s keep seeking the magic.

🪄 May this upcoming week bring you exactly what you need for robust spirit

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celebrate this. 7/16/23


celebrate this. 7/2/23