celebrate this. 7/2/23

Happy good evening to your wonderful spirit 💜

I hope this past week has given you some experiences of joy and love 🤟 between the humdrum and stressors.

For this inaugural celebrate this. letter, I can think of nothing better to share with you than my first outdoor roller skating session 🛼

I took to a parking lot near my house and got familiar with the sensation of the blacktop under my wheels, and it was an unparalleled 30 minutes of bliss. The freedom of rolling speed, combined with the wind on my skin and feeling the power I was using within my body – pure awesome in the truest sense of the word. It was exactly what I needed at the start of my week, and gave me a sense of lightness remembering it on some dismal days 🌧️

As promised, I’ll keep this short and sweet, but I want to hear from you! What’s one thing that brought you joy over this past week? Any little thing (because nothing is too little). Send me a message or drop a comment on the social medias.

Let’s inspire a shift to noticing magic in the (seemingly) mundane and minuscule.

🪄 May this week be exactly what you need to fill your own cup ✨

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celebrate this. 7/9/23


Lunar Love Letter 🌒 - June 18, 2023