celebrate this. 7/23/23

Happy good evening to your beautiful spirit 💜

How’s your body feeling?

What has it gone through this week?

How has it supported you?

How have you supported it?

Mine felt pretty stellar, and I want to give it some gratitude out loud.

For any of us that menstruate or have menstruated, we’re probably all too familiar with the exhaustion, irritability, and aches that can come with the luteal and menstrual phases of our cycles. These are the typical stars gracing marketing campaigns and jokes, but we don’t hear much about the first two phases: follicular and ovulatory.

These are the two phases where we most likely feel our best and brightest, and that was me this week. I had this awareness, which is huge by itself, and I took it a step further — I consciously took advantage of it.

How many of us do that with intention?

I don’t usually (hence the big celebration now).

During these phases, we tend to feel more energetic and lively, and I felt all that with a sense of newness. I communed with people more, moved about the world more confidently, used the extra energy in my physical activities, and relished in the bodily sensations I experienced.

Honestly, it probably wasn’t that noticeable on the outside, but on the inside — I reveled in it. I was more present in how I felt in the moment and honored that. And. it. felt. goooood.

We hear a lot about honoring our bodies when it comes to feeling low energy, fatigued, or in discomfort. I know I talk a lot about it in this context, and it’s honorable and fantastic. Yes. Let’s keep doing that.


Let’s also not be ashamed to drop it like it’s hot 🌶️ when we feel that. Bust out those booty shorts. Strut with purpose. Make that eye contact. Smile and sparkle. Embody that body.

Fucking glow (yeah, you)

That’s part of this very natural cycle.

(And psssst. Let’s not shame people for doing this.)

When we celebrate these experiences out loud, we unashame and educate and inspire others to do that same — imagine creating that beautiful footprint on the world 👣

Now how about you? What brought your world some hotness this week?

Reply to me here or share with me on social media, and keep being your badass (and baddie) self 💜

🪄 Thanks for joining me in celebration, and may this upcoming week blaze fire in your soul ✨🔥

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7/29/23 - my morning card pull >> loud and clear


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