7/29/23 - my morning card pull >> loud and clear

Happy good day to your beautiful spirit 💜

My morning card pull helped a lot of things solidify in my heart:

     ✨ You have what you need
     ✨ This is about the internal things
     ✨ You are resourceful
     ✨ Trust yourself
     ✨ Look at how it’s all working
     ✨ You are magic
     ✨ Tap into these elements

This exploration of abundance really is centering around shifting perspectives and deciphering our own meanings. But that can feel. so. heavy. 

If that feels like you right now, and you’re feeling stuck or uninspired, let me offer you these: 

     ⭐ Why did you show up for this work?
     ⭐ Why are you exploring abundance?
     ⭐ Do you feel like you’re supposed to?
     ⭐ Do you feel like you’re lacking somewhere?

The key to abundance is inside us – not external.

     ⭐ So why are we afraid to redefine this for ourselves?
     ⭐ Are we afraid to buck the system?
     ⭐ To be different?
     ⭐ To challenge the status quo?
     ⭐ Or are we afraid to face what we might be truly lacking? 
     ⭐ So we turn to the external and material?

These are the easy buttons we’ve been taught to have as the centerpieces of our lives for far too long. We’re so busy scrambling over things we can’t fully control and agonizing over our lack of that control, and we don’t even really connect with those ideas or feel fulfilled by them.

Essentially, societal expectations and validation = shiny distraction.


Let’s shift this lens to ourselves.

     ⭐ What about abundance in the love and compassion we give?
     ⭐ And the amount of joy we experience?
     ⭐ The boundaries we confidently stand with?
     ⭐ The rest, nutrition, and water we give ourselves?

We are constantly trading these for those not so fulfilling external ideas of abundance.

This upcoming full moon – 8/1 - the sturgeon moon – let’s work toward reversing that trend. Let’s keep doing the work.

     🪄 Maybe that’s a ritual of letting go of mindsets that no longer serve you along this leg of your journey.

     🪄 Maybe that’s setting an intention to more fully inhabit an internalized experience of abundance.

     🪄 Maybe that’s going to bed earlier or drinking one more cup of water. 

Whatever it is, this is a giant leap of faith for many of us, especially when we live too much in our logical brains, because we don’t have a plan or the instructions. We have to wing it. And that can feel like a rub. 


That’s really the only way we can do it. We have to leap and actually DO IT. We can’t wait until the time is right. We have to decide the time is right RIGHT NOW and fucking do it. 

WE show up. WE do the work. And it’s for US.

And then it expands outward.

WE are a centralized source already. 


We are a centralized source ALREADY.

But we can’t use that capacity if we don’t believe in ourselves. If we don’t push ourselves to do it.

So this is the call. Right meow 😻

Let’s leap 💜

*The moon names and phase details given here are as given on the Farmers' Almanac website. There are many other moon names and stories from other cultures that are not included here, but I encourage you to do your own research. It’s fascinating!

**Decks featured: The Light Seer's Tarot by Chris-Anne and The Spirit Animal Oracle by Colette Baron-Reid

All resources mentioned in this newsletter are included for research purposes only and are not affiliated with Zenful Mindings LLC. 


celebrate this. 7/30/23


celebrate this. 7/23/23