celebrate this. 7/30/23

Happy good evening 💜

Have you shown up for yourself this week?

What’s your vibe?

Mine is scattered today. This week has been interesting 🙄, to be sure.


I’m still taking time to celebrate something that lit me up: seeing my daughter apply emotional intelligence and mindfulness practices.

Yesterday we were both experiencing A LOT of big feelings – anger, frustration, grumpiness, you name it — and as you might imagine, we experienced a lot of conflict. Big feelings can be loud and curt when they are spoken 💥

We both ended up raising our voices and the situation was escalating. It didn't feel good. I was struggling to be the emotionally regulated adult.


She tells me, “Talk from your heart.”

Instant pause. Instant breath. Instant grounding.

My beautiful 5-year-old is practicing what we talk about. And it blew me away.

If you’re a parent or if you’ve ever tried to teach someone else anything, and then you’re there for the moment where they practice it — WOW.

There’s nothing like it. 

I was proud for her. Proud for me. Grateful for us both. And just overall elated that the hard work is working. 

So what about you? What floored you this week? Or at least gave you a tingle? 

💌 If you care to share, I’d like to have you bring some more light into my life, so reply here or holler at me on the social medias.

🪄 May this upcoming week riddle us with glimmers and joy


celebrate this. 8/6/23


7/29/23 - my morning card pull >> loud and clear