Lunar Love Letter 🌒 - May 7, 2024 — Flower Moon*

Estimated reading time: 6 minutes

Important dates this cycle (in EST): 
Lunar Cycle Duration: 5/7-6/5
New Moon: 5/7
First Quarter Moon: 5/15
Full Moon: 5/23 Flower Moon*
Third Quarter Moon: 5/30

Happy magical new moon, my sweet friend 🌑

I am so excited for this letter!

There’s been a lot of shaking up going on in my world in the most wonderful of ways, and I’m on a great high about it. It feels fabulous, and new, and purposeful, and absolutely freeing. 

I can say with more confidence than I have in a great while that I am here for it. For ALL of it: I’m curious ✅ I’m observing ✅ I’m doing ✅

Here we go, let’s go!

This past lunar cycle, I’ve been exploring the heaviness of things done out of routine instead of loving intention, and this has evolved into a magical tidying up of all my environments: my home, my body, my digital spaces, my car, you name it.

While this is going to be a lengthy journey for me, it feels incredibly aligned for this season and as the functional segue from one lunar cycle to the next.

This cycle we’ll be graced with the Flower Moon*, and it’s about exactly what springs to mind 🤓

We’re already seeing such incredible bloomage (is that a word?) happening, but there is so. much. more. to come.

The outside world is bursting with aliveness, the vivacity is stunning, and while the blooms paint the world outside our windows, many of us heed the call for a good spring cleaning.

When I was younger, I HATED spring cleaning. The idea that people did it befuddled me, and I made a point to not board that train as a young adult. It felt like busy work and just another way for me to fail at life. Yuck city.

Yet every year, people would talk about it and be all about it, while I could barely bring myself to dust semi-regularly.

But along this life journey of mine, things changed (as they do), and I started to not only like, but actually seek the energy of a room after it was clean – it felt fresh and light, and damn near mystical.

Fast forward to today, and I’m an enthusiastic spring cleaning proponent – with a huge BUT.

I cannot do it all at once — I will not complete it. There will be burn out and resentment. I will feel like a catastrophic failure.

So my personal recipe for success is that I have to do it in smaller bits over a long period of time (a big theme I’m working on in therapy). I’m finding this works for me as a great form of self care — just taking my time (which also feels very sexy and rebellious). Basically, I have to make it accessible and realistic.

There is something about this season that adds extra fire for me though. There’s more light, sweet air, and invigorating energy that I’m taking advantage of (in moderation). 

I’ve also recently listened to the audio version of Marie Kondo’s The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up, and I have so much more to say about this book that’s for another time and space (if you’d like to chat about it, hit me up!), but the big deal for this lunar love letter is that it infused what I was already feeling with bigger magic and purpose and clarity

How I’ve been occupying my house has largely stemmed from aesthetic preference, ADHD, and habit (holler back to last lunar cycle). Dipping my toes into KonMari has started to shift my perspective in these MASSIVE ways, especially coupled with last lunar cycle’s reflections about intention and action.

I find myself craving more space and open air in my home — I want to bring that outside spring energy in, and I want to let it fill every nook and corner. But there are things in the way. I’m seeing how I’ve very much stifled energy flow by holding onto things and letting them grow lifeless with stagnancy.

I’ve never really thought about the heavy, dormant energy collecting when we just let things sit on bookshelves for long times, and yet it’s there — constantly accumulating. No wonder we can feel so restless and uncomfortable in our own homes. That weight only adds to all that other bullshit we’re hauling around. 

And I’d like less of that, please and thank you.

It’s not a large leap to apply all these same observations to our precious and beautiful bodies. We all have what we’d consider our “normal state” that probably has all kinds of knots and pains and heaviness and general feelings of staleness that make regular appearances, but we chalk it up and keep lugging them around because they’re our “normal.” 

And it makes perfect sense. 

How often do we occupy the same physical shapes in our work or down time? Are we eating the same small menu of food over and over? Do we stick to the same ol’ movements most of the time, both on and off the mat? 

Yep. Yep. And yep 🙄

Me too.

I bet many of us (most of the time), are putting in a similar amount of energy to switching things up with our physical health as we do in revamping our home spaces. If that holds any truth, let’s use this Flower Moon* energy to amplify that seasonal spring cleaning energy.

Let’s invite that into our bodies, our homes, our relationships, and let it play out loud. Let it show us the space and aliveness we have underneath all those layers of dormancy and habit and disuse. And let’s let it bloom BIG.

PS. If you need some additional inspiration, The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up is available at your local library 📚

I’d love to hear what shakes out from this for you, so if you’d like to share, please don’t hesitate to hit reply or message me on social media.

May this lunar cycle help us unearth some long-forgotten joys

With loving energy, from my busy bee 🐝 heart to yours 💚

photo credit: Volha Flaxeco on Unsplash


6.5 minutes ⏱️ - a mindful musing


Lunar Love Letter 🌒 - April 8, 2024 — Pink Moon*