celebrate this. 10/22/23

Happy good evening, dear friend 💜

How’s your week been? What’s it felt like in your heart? What’s tangled up in your noggin?

My hope is that it’s been largely a lovely and peaceful time

I’m writing to you in a wave of tired. Today has been a large learning curve. 

Just last week I wrote about slowing down, and that was huge for me. I’ve been practicing that all week, and this morning, I actually said out loud to my daughter that I was picking two big things to focus on and that was it

But no. That’s not how it worked out in reality.

And now I find myself in that all too familiar experience of knowing I did so many things today, and I feel good that I did them, but I feel like I didn’t do what I wanted at the start and everything is all jumbled and doesn’t feel satisfying 🃏

I know you know that feeling 👀

So tonight I’m celebrating letting it be enough. It is enough. Exactly how today happened and what I did. It’s enough, and perfect at that. 

This morning I was journaling about how to decide what big things to focus on from my list, and I wrote about what was most important to me for today. The first two were tending to myself and fostering connection with my daughter. I did pretty alright at both of those overall. On top of that, after dinner I asked my daughter if she felt like she got enough good connection time with me today, and she said she did, so boom 💥 The wise young person has spoken.

🎤 Insert mic drop as you see fit, and I want to hear your celebrations! Share with me in an email or comment, and keep on keepin’ on 🛻

🪄 May this week remind us that being human is beautiful in a variety of ways

photo credit: Estúdio Bloom on Unsplash


celebrate this. energetic offerings ✨ (10/29/23)


celebrate this. 10/15/23