celebrate this. energetic offerings ✨ (10/29/23)

Happy sweet Sunday 💜

I’m so excited to share what I’m celebrating this week!

But first. How are YOU? 

Maybe a dull version of that question, but let’s take a moment and scan our bodies. How is your body? From toes to crown? What do you notice?

Now how’s your heart? Your mind? Your spirit?

Whatever those answers are, let’s not judge them, and just do our best to let them be noticed

You are important and valuable in this universe. 

Let’s breathe 🌬️



A few more times.

Now how do you feel?

I feel here. And that feels nice. It’s good to share space with you regardless of space and time 💗

Now onto the celebration!

Last week (and many weeks prior) I wrote about the heaviness of my task list, and still that drama trudges oooooooon. In the back of my mind it’s relentless. 

And this week I got inspired to try something new — I created a different system to shift how I’m viewing my tasks and what I want to cultivate each day.

I am surrendering to the fact that I can’t eliminate a task list. I just can’t. There’s always more, there will always be more, AND I do not want to be an emotional slave to checkboxes or crossed off items. So I’m experimenting with setting energetic offerings at the beginning of my days

Each morning, I fill out my gratitude journal, review my task list, and journal about whatever might come up. I’m also now choosing 2-3 energetic offering categories that fit the tasks I must do, and then taking note of what tasks fall into those categories or jotting in other things I might want to do to cultivate that particular energetic offering purposely.

For example, yesterday, my tasks oriented toward feeding my relationships with people. I was pet sitting, helping out my family, hanging with a friend, and working through my emotions of having to cancel an event I was really looking forward to. So instead of feeling overwhelmed by tasks or meetup times, I devoted my day to investing in these relationships I have. It made me feel so much more joyful 🎉

I hope that makes sense. Maybe it doesn’t, and that’s cool. What I’m celebrating is not just the new experiment, but my brain’s reaction to it because my brain is down for it. This is a way my brain thrives, and honestly, I think this is one of the rare times I recognize that. 

Maybe you thrive on a to do list or a calendar or some other system. I need those to contain information, but I can’t use those as lenses through which to see my own actions. I need this lens of investing in energetic offerings because it makes what I’m doing feel rich with purpose

And that’s some powerful magic 💫

Now what about you? What are you celebrating this week? Share with me so we can be joyful together 💌

🪄 May this week’s energy make you feel held in the security and comfort

photo credit: Ian Schneider on Unsplash


celebrate this. take a break already! (11/5/23)


celebrate this. 10/22/23