celebrate this. 10/15/23

Happy sweet soft day to your heart  💜

What’s this week been like for you? What happened that felt boring or stagnant? Why did it feel like that?

Just a few interesting thoughts I’m reflecting on my own week with 🙂

This week, I want to celebrate some slowing down, which is really (really) [extra really] hard for me. Which is exactly why I’m celebrating it 🎇

I habitually overbook my schedule and task lists, even though I know better, and end up wearing myself out. On top of this, I usually don’t schedule or leave space for self care time to recharge after big events or busy days. Big bummer. Mega unhelpful.

And I’m sure many of you know exactly what this is like. I see you

I’m very much constantly reminding myself to do the things that give my schedule and to do lists more space, and it can be an incredibly frustrating process for me. It’s that defiance between logic and action — and it can seem like a never ending battle 🤺

This past week, however, instead of agonizing over lost time or feeling resentful for needing down time, I leaned into it with much less hesitation. I had some schedule changes that were new, and I let these play out and blossom into some organic time pockets for self care for me. 

And it was luscious. Satiating. Actually helpful. Total greenlight 🟢

It also didn’t feel hard. Did I have some guilty thoughts creep in? Oh yeah. That’s pretty normal. I acknowledged them, and kept with the experiment. It was totally worth it

Another big deal here is that as we head into this upcoming week, which is going to be busy and have stressful events, I feel ready. I actually don’t dread trying to balance things and feel like I’m better resourced

And this makes me excited to see how the week goes, or at least starts off 🤞

Now what about you? What gave you a little bit of lightness this week? Or some downright joy? 

Share with me with a reply or comment so we can raise the roof in celebration 💌

🪄 May this week contain glimmers of heart-warming fulfillment for all of us

photo credit: xandtor on Unsplash


celebrate this. 10/22/23


Lunar Love Letter 🌒 - October 14, 2023 — Hunters Moon*