celebrate this. 9/24/23

Happy good Sunday to your gentle heart, Brianne 💜

How have these last few days been for you?

We’ve officially turned the page into Autumn 🍂 and Libra season ♎, and we’re nearing a full moon 🌕 on September 29. This might feel like it’s stirring up a lot internally or externally. Let’s be curious about it as best as we can.

This week has been filled with a lot of community for me, and it felt really cool. To be honest, I don’t prefer to be around lots of people lots of the time, but this week I found purpose and fulfillment in those communal experiences.

But that’s not the only thing I want to highlight.

I want to do something a little different and share the joys I jotted in my gratitude and joy journal for the week. I was having trouble picking just one thing to highlight, and instead of fighting the current, I’m going to surrender, as my card pull yesterday urged me too (which, p.s., worked out well).

So with no particular fuss, here are a few things that brought me joy from the past week:

☀️ Sunday, 9/17: meeting my cool neighbor at her garage sale and hearing her words of wisdom — see last week’s celebrate this. for more detail

🍌 Monday, 9/18: my daughter’s hug when I picked her up from school — it was extra enthusiastic, totally movie scene worthy, and made me feel perfectly loved

🔥 Tuesday, 9/19: sharing space with a friend during a meeting at my daughter’s school — these can be crowded and overwhelming for me, but she held some quiet and calm space with me in our own little bubble

💭 Wednesday, 9/20: kayaking with an amazing friend of mine, enjoying the sun and water, and having a blue dragonfly land on my hand and hold connection — living magic

💫 Thursday, 9/21: working from home, having my potions day where I prepared several things with love (including veggie stock from frozen scraps, tarragon-infused oil, and the start of some fermented garlic honey), and getting to notice how the sunlight is highlighting different things inside this time of year — a true testament to filling our home with love

🖤 Friday, 9/22: finding a blue jay feather — for me, a sign of good luck, the right direction, and a gentle magic nudge from the universe

🏦 Saturday, 9/23: hearing my daughter laugh wholeheartedly as we played at the mechanic’s while they patched a flat tire for us — which normally would be a total eye roll situation, but this whole day was about surrendering, so we seized this time to play our silly hearts out — totally worth it

These all made life awesome this week. And seeing these all together, it makes me think of something I’ve been contemplating lately — what loop would you choose to be stuck in? We’re so readily sucked into the negative loops of mental chaos or mundane life stuff, but what would you choose if you could?

I think I’d choose to be stuck in a loop where my life is right now, which feels incredibly freeing (more on that for the lunar love letter check-ins). And looking back over the joys I wrote down this week, I can see why. I have a beautiful relationship with my daughter and my friends, which is a lot of love in my life, and I get to enjoy these things at my own pace. It’s that simple. How amazing is that? 💫

I highly recommend this daily joy journaling practice if you don’t already have one — it gives you great data to reflect on if you have trouble remembering (like I do), and it gives you an excellent reminder to put on some joy glasses at the end of the day 👓

Your turn. What made you smile this week? Big or small or somewhere in between.

Share with me in an email or comment so I can celebrate with you 💌

🪄 May this week solidify our view of how beautiful we are

photo credit: Meritt Thomas on Unsplash


celebrate this. 10/1/23


celebrate this. 9/17/23