celebrate this. 9/17/23

Happy good day to your lovely heart, Brianne 💜

I'm writing this week’s celebrate this. fresh off the experience I’m going to share, and I. AM. WIRED

But first. What’s been stirred up for you this week?

We had a new moon 🌑 and lots of astrological shifting, not to mention whatever’s been happening in your personal sphere. That can be a lot, and much of it might feel not settled yet or you might not even have a grasp on what your internal vibe is. All of that is okay 👌

Whatever it is, let’s breathe into it. We don’t need to have the words. Sometimes we just need breath and time.

This week I’m coming straight from a dope garage sale right up the street from where I live, and I am THRILLED to celebrate this experience.

I’ve lived on the same street as this person for over 10 years, and I’ve seen them have sales constantly, and it all always looks awesome. Even their garbage is rad. But I’ve never stopped. Probably because I always assumed it was out of my price range or I was trying to save money or insert excuse of your choice here.

But today I was walking past and decided it was time. I heard the nudge.

And it was the greatest idea 💡

Not only did I score some sweet things at a killer deal, the best thing was that I met this super cool person. She’s an artist, and she’s recently switched what her focus is. Currently she’s focusing on making these custom jeans, and I shared that I’m learning some embroidery, and BOOMshe hit me with some wisdom 🦉

You don’t have to learn how to do anything. You just do it.

And I’m swimming in the echo of this moment.

I knew instantly it was important, and internally I’m having this prolonged matrix-like experience.

It’s a big fucking deal.

I needed to hear that message right then. Right there. In that context. And it landed 🎯

You know how you hear something over and over and you know it, but you still skim by it? That’s what my experience has been with this same message until now.

And now — now it’s shifting things. I obviously don’t know the extent of it because it’s literally been an hour, but I feel it deep in my bones. And I’m excited to see where it leads. It feels mysterious and sexy and makes my eyes twinkle 😊

Stay tuned for more as it comes up!

Now what about you? What’s a moment you want to celebrate this week? Let me hear about it with a comment or email 💌

🪄 May this week give us space to tune into ourselves as whole beings

photo credit: Donatella D'Anniballe on Unsplash


celebrate this. 9/24/23


Lunar Love Letter 🌒 - September 14, 2023 — Harvest Moon*