two hands with palms up offering a small yellow flower

Reiki Sessions

in-person, virtual, or asynchronous

These containers are solely for Reiki, a Japanese technique that promotes healing by encouraging deep relaxation.

Just like our circulatory, respiratory, and digestive systems, our energetic (or subtle) bodies operate best with clear pathways. As we live our lives, gunk accumulates (for a variety of reasons) and we can experience energetic blockages, congestion, and stagnation — very similarly to how we might experience colds, stiff joints, or exhaustion in our physical bodies.

When the works get gummed up like this, it can affect our quality of life. We might experience physical, mental, or emotional symptoms, or feel ‘off’ or disconnected.

Reiki provides us a means to work directly with our energetic bodies to help move and discharge this stuck energy so that we can invite balance and flow back into our lives.

Adding Reiki to your self care toolkit can enrich your overall wellbeing, help you tune into your body at a deeper level, and open up your awareness to undiscovered things — all of which can enhance your quality of life.

In-person Reiki is typically done hands on, but is also easily done at a distance, according to your preference. 

Session Options:

  • $35 for 30 minutes (virtual and asynchronous only)

  • $65 for 1 hour (in-person, virtual, and asynchronous)

*Payment can be made prior to or at the scheduled appointment time.

*If you need to cancel or reschedule, please let me know as soon as possible.

*All clients must sign a waiver of liability prior to the start of the initial session.

*As with all services and recommendations offered by Zenful Mindings LLC, Reiki is not intended to replace any medical treatment, therapy, or counseling. Please seek an appropriately credentialed medical professional for your unique health situation.