woman with eyes closed laying down in a field of purple flowers and wild grass

Private Sessions

in-person or virtual

One on one sessions are a wonderful container that give you a dedicated space to explore and discover bits of yourself, and practice tools that you can take off the mat and begin using immediately in your day to day life. They are tailored to fit your specific needs and intentions, and you have agency to make changes in our plans as you see fit. Some things we can work on:

  • Growing yoga postures

  • Building flexibility and strength

  • Interpreting your body’s experiences

  • Building confidence

  • Trusting yourself

  • Tuning in to your energetic body

  • Balancing chakras

  • Integrating all your bodies (physical, mental, emotional, energetic)

  • Learning mindfulness practices to use off the mat

  • Growing a meditation practice

  • Learning energy protection and management

  • Integrating Reiki

  • Stress management

These are truly YOUR sessions, so you have the ability to change the approach as often as you’d like. We will work together to mold them to suit YOU. 


This is for you if you’re interested in:

  • Growing your existing practice more deeply than you’re able to in a studio class

  • Developing a new practice that allows you to connect with yourself

  • Integrating all your bodies together

  • Deepening your awareness of how you can shift things in your life

  • Building in time for self care at multiple levels

$65 for a 1-hour session

*Payment can be made at the time of booking or the scheduled appointment time. Payments are non-refundable.

*If you need to cancel or reschedule, please let me know as soon as possible.

*All clients must sign a waiver of liability prior to the start of the initial session.