Brianne Howard Brianne Howard

the yamas and niyamas

the yamas and niyamas: tenets for living in harmony with yourself and the world

a teeny tiny overview

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Brianne Howard Brianne Howard

Lunar Love Letter 🌒 - Feb 27 2023

Our last lunar love letter was an invitation to reflect on the last cycle and think about some intentions for this one. How did that go for you? What came up? Did anything feel particularly easy or hard?

Personally, I experienced intense energy around the new moon 🌑. I had a lot of emotions surface simultaneously, and apparently that’s what my body, mind, and spirit needed – to let them bubble up 🌋 and over and out . It was a rough process and not very pretty – but even though growth isn’t all fairy wings and glitter, it’s still fucking beautiful, and I’m grateful to be able to experience it.

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Brianne Howard Brianne Howard

Lunar Love letter 🌒 - Feb 20 2023

This month’s lunar cycle hinges on a full moon known as the Worm Moon*. Within this cycle, (where I’m at) we are noticing the earth transitioning from winter to spring, and the Spring Equinox falls right on the last day of the cycle.

Think about that: the last sliver of the Worm Moon takes us right into a literal new season – one of new growth 🪴 and promise.

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