Brianne Howard Brianne Howard

Lunar Love Letter πŸŒ’ - June 18, 2023

What I’m learning is that thriving happens when I identify what my REAL priorities are and live in alignment to expand those areas, which means questioning if things are helping me do that or not. And if they’re not, I give myself full permission to minimize or eliminate the energy I put into them so I can reallocate it to what actually does. Actually – let me revise that. I’m going to demand that of myself 😼

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Brianne Howard Brianne Howard

Lunar Love Letter πŸŒ’ - May 19, 2023

Because when we savor things, we slow down without even trying. And that’s what I’m all about this lunar cycle: more savor, less effort πŸŽ‡.

When you savor a bite of your favorite food 🍰, your body experiences this prolonged pleasure that surpasses time on any clock. Your mind shuts off. You take in and appreciate more sensual detail. You are being mindful and present without trying in the typical ways. It feels so much more organic.

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