Brianne Howard Brianne Howard

look inward - a mindful musing

My patience has been short lately, particularly around my daughter. Parenthood is hectic and trying at times, but the root of the problem is how I’m reacting to my own feelings — shifting blame and responsibility outside of myself.

This week’s Mindful Musing is a reminder to look inward. To pause and breathe. And to once again visit the whimsical land of proactive self care, so that we may love ourselves and others more fully.

In good energy 💚

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Brianne Howard Brianne Howard

confessions of self-inflicted sleep deprivation - a mindful musing

My relationship with sleep is a tense one, and it’s one of the top things I experience shame and guilt around.

I’ve created the circumstances that limit the number of hours I sleep, and this affects my quality of life everyday. Now I’m experimenting in a new way to see how I can remedy that.

I offer you this week's Mindful Musing as an invitation to relate, find inspiration, and reflect on what you might be brave enough to experiment with.

With rejuvenating good energy 💚

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