celebrate this. 10/8/23

Happy Sunday to your sweet heart 💜

How have these past 7 days felt in your body? Your mind 🧠? Your heart 💚? What’s taken hold of your attention?

I tried a new scheduling approach this past week to see if it would work for me, and it got me all jumbled up. I found that it will likely not work for me, which is cool. It was a good learning experience — sometimes we (I really mean me) can cling so tightly to our routines that they can become a hindrance rather than helpful aids. So I’m thankful that I had the courage to try something new. #failforward

This week I want to celebrate feeling more expansive in how I inhabit my neighborhood and yard. I know that might seem odd, and it feels a little odd, but I’ve lived in this same neighborhood for about 11ish+ years and I haven’t really lived outside, which also seems odd 🤯

Inside, I’m all over it. Inhabitation nation. We live in every corner, nook, and cranny there is. I’ve even started incorporating giving gratitude directly to my house through conversation as I walk through and smoke cleanse.

But outside is a whole different story 📖

What about you? Do you live in your neighborhood? More than just the perfunctory nod to a neighbor or culturally demanded lawn care?

Outside in my neighborhood (even though I love it) has usually just been a means to leave or arrive home. I usually enjoy the outdoors somewhere else, you know?

This year, though, I’ve started to intentionally live beyond the four walls of my house 🏡

I’m getting better acquainted with my neighborhood through my daily walks and noticing details about other houses, sidewalks, birds, squirrels, and neighbors, and I have a great appreciation for the observations I’m privy to. It makes me feel more at home in the wider community.

And here’s the biggie: I’ve even taken more interest in my own yard this year. It started with some more intense gardening experiments, and then the addition of a bird feeder 🐦 (and excitement learning what birds live here — lately I hear a red shouldered hawk every morning!). As for the not-so-glamorous things (like leaf and storm clean up), I’ve traditionally left those things to the hands of whoever my amazing landlord hires. But I’ve volunteered to take care of it 👀

That’s a big deal for me. As I’m sure it is for you too.

Outdoor maintenance is a HUGE time and energy investment. Thanks to my upbringing and disdain for the traditional lawn, I abhor when people maintain their yard a certain way for image purposes only — not because they enjoy it or because it functions well for them. This runs deep, so for me to come to a place where I’m genuinely curious about how I want to take care of my yard and how I want to bring change to it, it’s a big ass deal.

And I’m here for it. It’s bringing me some newfound joy and a different way to commune with nature while giving gratitude to our home

Now it’s your turn! What’s given you the jolly vibes this week? Big, small, or anything in between.

Share with me in a comment or email so we can celebrate together 💌

🪄 May this week’s energy alight upon you with the coziness of your favorite blanket


Lunar Love Letter 🌒 - October 14, 2023 — Hunters Moon*


celebrate this. 10/1/23